Human resource management strategies Academic Essay
September 6, 2020
Personal Statement for applying to medical school
September 6, 2020


1. Research a local, small business that does business in a traditional way, but has not been involved in e-Commerce. Based on your research, describe how the company would benefit from e-Commerce and then describe the disadvantages if the company were to implement e-Commerce. Using the same company, determine which category of e-Commerce would be most beneficial. Explain why this category would be better suited than the others.2. Research a business that establishes trust and credibility with its customers through its Website. Based on your research in the second e-Activity, indicate the ways in which the company establishes trust and credibility with its customers through its Website. Identify some of the cultural issues in international e-Commerce and how these issues can be overcome.3. Internet and World Wide Web Determine the impact that the Internet and World Wide Web has had on doing business. Articulate what you believe is driving the growth of the Internet and World Wide Web.4. Intranets and Extranets Compare a public network to a private network. Identify the security risks of using a public network in e-Commerce. Compare a private network to a virtual private network. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a VPN in e-Commerce.5. Intellectual Property Copyright law has always included elements, such as the fair-use exemption, that make it difficult to apply. Explain how the Internet has made this worse by citing specific examples. Determine whether file sharing is necessary to further advantage technology or if it should be stopped because it violates copyright law.6. Privacy Rights and Obligations Explain the various privacy rights that businesses on the Web are lawfully obligated to adhere to. Describe some of the gray areas in enforcing these laws on the Internet. Cookies are small text files placed on Web client computers to identify returning customers to a Website. Most visitors find the privacy risk posed by cookies to be acceptable. Analyze the future of cookie usage by looking at the advantages and disadvantages, along with the current business and consumer climate.