E business Annotated bibliography Academic Essay

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E business Annotated bibliography Academic Essay

Assessment Details;

Annotated bibliography

Compile a bibliography (about 1,200 words) of 10 particularly useful sources that approach the topic from different angles, providing different sorts of information and/or different sorts of interpretation.

Give a brief account of the information each provides; why each source is worth including; how the various sources relate to each other and information was not provided by your sources that you think would be desirable for a better understanding of the topic. Only use academically credible sources, and unless you are doing a historical topic, use only sources published since 2000. Include at least 2 books, and 4 journal articles.

Criteria used to grade this task;

Marking guide

Task Assessor Lecturer
Suggested time to devote to this task;

6 hours

Submission details week 11
Feedback and return of work. Available in Moodle after week 12


As semesters and contact hours vary between teaching locations, delivery is usually scheduled across three hours a week for 12 weeks. As the University offers many programs in a variety of formats please contact local lecturers for further information about the schedule.

Appendix 2 Annotated bibliography rubric
Assignment 3 –

Maximum marks – 30

Assignment 3 – Annotated Bibliography:
Assessment Criteria Grade Mark
Bibliographic Information At least 10 annotated resources are cited accurately, are consistent with the APA referencing style and error free. 5
4-6 annotated resources are cited accurately and are consistent with the APA referencing style with less than 5 errors. 3-4
Less than 4 annotated resources are cited accurately and are consistent with the APA referencing style with less than 5 errors. 1-2
Citations are inconsistent with APA style. 0
Annotation Summary Citation summaries comprehensively, accurately and clearly articulate the main argument(s) or ideas presented by the author(s). 9-10
Citation summaries concisely and accurately articulate the main argument(s) or ideas presented by the author(s). 7-8
Citations are adequately summarised with sufficient articulation of the main argument(s) or ideas presented by the author(s). 5-6
Citation summaries do not articulate the main argument(s) or ideas presented by the author(s) accurately or clearly. 2-4
Citation summaries are not evident. 0-1
Annotation Evaluation Citations are comprehensively evaluated with clear articulation of the usefulness, reliability, and objectivity of the author(s). 9-10
Citations are accurately evaluated with clear articulation of the usefulness, reliability, and objectivity of the author(s). 7-8
Citations are adequately evaluated with sufficient articulation of the usefulness, reliability, and objectivity of the author(s). 5-6
Citations are not adequately evaluated with insufficient articulation of the usefulness, reliability, and objectivity of the author(s). 2-4
Citation evaluations are not evident. 0-1
Annotation Reflection Citation reflections are insightful, comprehensive, and consider the relevance of other citations. 5
Citation reflections are clear and consider the relevance of other citations. 4-3
Citation reflections are inadequate, unclear, and/or do not consider the relevance of other citations. 2-1
Citation reflections are not evident.

Total (will be scaled to 30% of final grade)
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Posted on May 23, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions