DSL and cable modem services Academic Essay

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DSL and cable modem services Academic Essay

Research DSL and cable modem services available closest to your community. You may use neighboring communities or regions if your community does not have access to DSL or cable modem services. Researched material must be focused on the technical aspects of DSL and cable modem services. Marketed documents, white papers, or other advertisements may not be used for the completion of this assignment.

Identify the DSL and cable modem services referenced in this assignment and the region(s) in which they operate.

Create a diagram of the DSL and Cable Modem connections to your ISP, cable organization, and telecom to your home router using Visio or its open source alternative software.

Compare and evaluate the speeds of DSL and cable modem that you researched.
Compare and evaluate the cost of DSL and cable modem that you researched.
Compare and evaluate the reliability of DSL and cable modem that you researched.
Recommend DSL or cable modem based on the previous comparison and evaluation of services available closest to your region. Explain your recommendation.

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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions