Drug use/abuse – smoking, alcohol and other drugs

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July 15, 2020
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July 15, 2020

Drug use/abuse – smoking, alcohol and other drugs

You are required to research a given health topic and design a Health Education Package suitable for use in a primary classroom setting that incorporates this topic. Your package will include both background research and a specially designed learning program and a resource pack. A health topic is ‘Drug use/abuse – smoking, alcohol and other drugs’.

Your background research must include a combination of journal articles, books, health organisations and curriculum documents that provide appropriate content knowledge, resource materials and curriculum information. This will help you establish a context for your planning and guide your selection of both a target group within the primary school sector (eg year five/six composite class from the Central NSW Coast) and a specific sub-set of the target group that may require particular attention when planning a unit of work (eg students with a disability, Refugees, Indigenous, low Socio-Economic Satus, chronically ill).

The health education package you design must demonstrate clear incorporation of a whole of school focus and include the aspects listed below:
1. Research a health topic and provide a background briefing, including specific information in relation to a target and sub-group
2. Incorporate the ‘Health Promoting Schools Framework’ – explain how your lessons corporate all three components.
3. Link to the Australian Curriculum including a scope and sequence of where the topic fits into the curriculum.
4. Authentically and deeply integrate one or more other Learning Areas (Eg. history, maths, english etc.)
5. Comprehensively plan a health education program (6 lessons) appropriate for the health topic using the UBD format, target and sub-group including a program overview, including outcomes, content and skills, teaching strategies (incl. ICT components and inclusive teaching strategies), activities, assessment, Quality Teaching Elements.