Does working night shift increases overweight and obesity among nurses?

October 13, 2020
Examining a Health inequity
October 13, 2020

Does working night shift increases overweight and obesity among nurses?

Topic: Does working night shift increases overweight and obesity among nurses

Here is the article that I want to use and need more articles.
APA should be followed and please no grammar mistake.
If the lit. review is done perfectly I would like the same writer to make the introduction chapter for 2 pages.

Article List:
Research Materials:
Nurses’ Health Study (Harvard Univeristy – Boston, MA)

American Nursing Association:
Health and Safety Survey
Houle, J. (2001) American Nurses Association Health and
Safety Survey. Cornerstone Communications Group, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Review Article:
(shift work & disease)
Wang, X-S., Armstrong, M., Cairns, B., Key, T., & Travis, R. (2011). In depth review: Shift work and chronic disease: the

epidemiological evidence. Occupational Medicine, 61, 78-89.

(shift work & obesity)
Eberly, R. & Feldman, H. (2010). Obesity and shift work in the general population. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences

and Practice, 8(3).

RN & Weight Status & Loss:
(New York)
Zitkus, B. (2011). The relationship among registered nurses’ weight status, weight loss regimens, and successful or

unsuccessful weight loss. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 23, 110-116.

(In Austrailia)
Zhao, I., Bogossian, F., Song, S., & Turner, C. (2011). The association between shift work and unhealthy weight: A

cross-sectional analysis from the nurses and midwives’ e-cohort study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,

53(2), 153-158.

Shift Work on Intake:
(In Japan)
Morikawa, Y., Katsuyuki, M., Sasaki, S., Yoshita, K., Yoneyama, S., … Nakagawa, H. (2008). Evaluation of the effects of shift

work on nutrient intake: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Occupational Health, 50, 270-278.

(In Hong Kong) (RN)
Wong, H., Wong, M., Wong, S., & Lee, A. (2010). The association between shift duty and abnormal eating behavior among nurses

working in a major hospital: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47, 1021-1027.

Shift Work & Disease:
(In Korea) (RN & diaper manufacturing factory)
Ha, M. & Park, J. (2005). Shiftwork and metabolic risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Jounral of Occupational Health, 47,


Viswanathan, A., Hankinson, S., & Schernhammer, E. (2007). Night shift work and risk of endometrial cancer. American

Association for Cancer Research Journal, 67(21), 10618-10622.

Brown, D., Feskanich, D., Sanchez, B., Rexrode, K., Schernhammer, E., & Lisabeth, L. (2009). Rotating night shift work and

risk of ischemic stroke. American Journal of Epidemiology, 169, 1370-1377.

Pietroiusti, A., Forlini, A., Magrini, A., Galante, A., Coppeta, L., …Bergamaschi, A. (2006). Shift work increases the

frequency of duodenal ulcer in H pylori infected workers. Occupational Environmental Medicine, 63, 773-775.

Shift work & health:
(Israel) (RN) (smoking & stress)
Barak, Y., Achiron, A., Kimh, R., Lampl, Y., Gilad, R., Elizur, A., & Sarova-Pinhas, I. (1996). Health risks among shift

workers: A survey of female nurses. 527-533.

(Iceland) (RN)
Sveinsdottir, H. (2006). Self-assessed quality of sleep, occupational health, working environment, illness experience and job

satisfaction of female nurses working different combination of shifts. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 20, 229-237.


Shift Work & Circadian Rhythms:
James, F., Cermakian, N., & Boivin, D. (2007). Circadian rhythms of melatonin, cortisol, and clock gene expression during

simulated night shift work. SLEEP, 30(11), 1427-1436.