Does the Government Sanctions in China play an important role in preventing audit failures?

July 20, 2020
You own an appliance in a working class neighborhood that makes most of its sales on credit.
July 20, 2020

Does the Government Sanctions in China play an important role in preventing audit failures?

Words: 4000Structure:
Introduction less than 600 words):Explain why Chinese economy grow fast and what is the Chinas development path.(i have uploaded a journal named Chinese economic development, the next stage: outward FDI? please read it carefully)Explain what methods does Chinese Government use to keep growing the economy.Give some examples about the audit failures in China.
Question one: Why auditors get involved in the falsification whirlpool?(less than 900 words)(I have uploaded a journal named Financial Statement Frauds and Auditor Sanctions: An Analysis of Enforcement Actions in China ,please followthe structure)what reasons dose auditors get involved in falsification whirlpool?
: mainly 3 reasonsExplain these 3 briefly ( more extra references you need to find on this area)What are the mainly fraud characteristics ( see the journal maybe more research you need to do)(i have uploaded a journal named Accounting fraud, auditing, and the role of government sanctions in China , maybe these is something you canuse)Question two: How Government Sanctions help China to preventing audit failures?(less than 900 words) Explain the role of government sanctions in China.( i have uploaded a journal named Accounting fraud, auditing, and the role of government sanctions in China , maybe these is something you canuse, if there is not, please do other research)The importance of improving auditor independence .( i have uploaded a journal named The impact of improved auditor independence on audit market concentration in China ,maybe there is somethingyou can look to, if there is not, please do other research)
The impact of improved auditor independence on audit.( i have uploaded a journal named The impact of improved auditor independence on audit market concentration in China ,maybe there is somethingyou can look to, if there is not, please do other research)Question three: What is the mainly interaction between Chinese Economy and Global Economy within the fast development?(less than 900 words)i have uploaded a journal named How China Changed the Global Economy and the Global Economy Changed China: Thirty Years of Investment and Trade,please see it carefully) List some great events happened in China in each period.Has the Global Economy Changed China?What are the opportunities faced in China?
Conclusion(less than 600 words) Conclude what has been written in this project What is your feeling or opinion recommendation