Does management’s assessment of the financial condition agree with your assessment from the Financial Statements Paper Part

an administrative agency of either the federal or a state government.
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June 3, 2020

Does management’s assessment of the financial condition agree with your assessment from the Financial Statements Paper Part

 Home Depot


Financial Statements Paper Part II

Resources: Appendix A, The Home Depot, Inc. Annual Report in Fundamentals of Financial Accounting

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper in which you address the following:

Does management’s assessment of the financial condition agree with your assessment from the Financial Statements Paper Part I? Explain your response. Support your answer using trend analysis, vertical analysis, or ratio analysis.

In the Annual Report, there are several concerns from management. Discuss these concerns, and identify other weaknesses not discussed by management. Then, recommend a course of action addressing these concerns.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.