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May 12, 2020
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May 12, 2020

Does CRM go to Omnichannel

Long ago, when Google entered into Search Business, many people flouted because they considered that market is mature. Similarly when Apple introduced iPod, market was

matured. However they redefined the category.
It seems that what is possible is always changing. Technology emerges, new people brings new idea.
Customers wants a product, and the path to that product must be short and consistently support the brand promise. Channels are merely vehicle to that path. It increase

sales and customer loyalty.
Much has been written about multi-channel.  However customers have hardly experience profitability from their investment because these multi touch points have not

connected and other touch points have not been leveraged. An internet survey from crm clients concluded that customer satisfaction with crm product was very low.
For a long time, customer engagement channels€”voice, e-commerce, mobile, and social€”have been viewed as separate and distinct customer interactions. However,

successful customer engagement occurs when these channels are seamlessly blended and put into context. Today’s technology allows us to talk, text, email, chat, send

pictures, network with friends online, or tweet at any moment. It is the customer’s choice; these channels represent opportunities at specific moments of truth to

build loyalty. The key to bridging the gap from multiple individual and distinct channels is shifting from a multichannel to an omnichannel perspective.
While a multichannel company offers consumers the opportunity to interact within various channels, omnichannel refers to the experience the customer has as they take

their journey across the various channels.
Imagine a case when a customer started an interaction on the web. When customer calls to Call Center agent, agent has access to all the information from the web. This

is where Omni channel gets into. Omni channel imperative captures all interactions through all touch point such as web, face book, chat, text and many more. Field

sales rep would also benefit from having access to company, product, and client information from their mobile devices. For a truly unified Omni channel environment to

exist, a company must connect all of its interaction channel so a sales rep/sales agent can traverse them without losing data.
In a perfect Omni channel crm, sequential screening of application is stored even when user switches the device. Consider a case, when a customer goes to AirTicket

website ( and search a flight ticket. Later in the day when he calls to Sales Rep over phone, he should be able to get his interaction from web.

Example of Omni Channel in Bank:


Top 3 Needs in Crm
–    Should match business requirements
–    Be Flexible
–    Analytics
Today’s consumers are multichannel, multi-device users and they are going to interact with companies at every engagement point without a second thought. So, without

even consciously deciding to, they are going to expect brand consistency and uniform customer service at every level of interaction.
Therefore, business executives and leaders must remember that consumers view their experience with a company as just that €“ an experience with a company, not as an

experience with an individual channel (web, store, mobile, etc.) of a company. Unfortunately, the reality is that most retailers still operate in silos. But this shift

also offers the savviest of companies a prime opportunity to develop a cohesive omnichannel strategy that will lay the foundation for future success.
Finally, we’re living in an increasingly 24/7 society, and a true multichannel customer engagement strategy must be consistent across all hours of the day and not just

optimized for times of peak volume.Omnichanel imperative would be the next generation of CRM.