Does ______________ support (subvert) democracy?/Does ______________ promote (hinder) democratization?

International Marketing Communications Plan – B.Fresh
June 23, 2020
MyEconLAb Chapter 28 Problems.
June 23, 2020

Does ______________ support (subvert) democracy?/Does ______________ promote (hinder) democratization?

Does ______________ support (subvert) democracy?/Does ______________ promote (hinder) democratization?

Order Description

General Instructions:

1. Essays should be no more than 5 pages, not including references and any tables. They should be double spaced with 1? margins and 12-point font.

2. Your project must have a research question of one of the following forms:

Does ______________ support (subvert) democracy?
Does ______________ promote (hinder) democratization?

If you would like to focus on a different question, you must see me for approval.

3. This is not a creative writing assignment. Political science papers are more akin to lab reports. Clear and concise writing will be rewarded.

4. Your essay should be the product of your own labor. Academic dishonesty in any form will result in an F for the paper.

5. Late papers will be docked 1/3 of a letter grade for each day outstanding. If you cannot make class on the day of the deadline, you may drop your essay in my mailbox in the Political Science Department office (4th Floor, Kerr Hall). Be sure to have your essay time-stamped so that I know that you handed the paper in before the due date. You can drop off your essay any time before the due date.


Specific Instructions:

Parts A should be no more than 1 paragraph. It should include:
1. Research Question
2. Why this is an important topic to study

Part B should be no more than 2 paragraphs! It should include:
Summary of previous work Choose any article from reading list that you can link to your research question. If you would like to choose an article that is not on the reading list, you must consult with me first.

In discussing this work, be sure to include the following:
1. The main arguments
2. The main hypothesis/es tested
3. The main results of the study

Part C, D, and E are the most important parts of your essay! Spend most of your time and pages on these sections

Part C. Your Contribution to the Literature. Be sure to discuss the following:
1. How your study will differ from the one described above.
2. The hypotheses you will be testing. Your theory (argument) about how your choice of independent variable(s) might affect democracy (democratization).
I hypothesize that ___________ supports democracy because ________________________________________________________________.
I hypothesize that ____________ promotes democratization because _______________________________________________________________.
3. Description of and justification for the specific measure of democracy that you will use in your analysis. You must use one of the four measures discussed in class and provided on Smartsite.
4. Definition(s) and measure(s) for the independent variable(s) of interest that you will be including in your analysis.
5. Description of and justification for your sample of cases (must be at least five cases).

Part D. Analysis. This section should include:
1. Description of your findings

Part E. Conclusions and implications. This section should include:
1. Brief restatement of your conclusions
2. Specific policy implications from your findings or questions for future research


A. On Choice of Dependent Variable

If your dependent variable is “democracy,” you will use the values provided in the dataset with democracy measures on Smartsite. You must choose one way of measuring democracy. You may choose either the original or standardized coding. You may choose any year for which data are available.

If you are interested in examining what promotes “democratization,” you must decide first decide the range of years that you are interested in, e.g., 1980-2000; 1990-2000; 1995-2000; etc. Then you will need to choose which measure of democracy you would like to use. Then you must generate your “dependent variable” using the appropriate wide format worksheet in our dataset on democracy measures on Smartsite.

B. On References and Tables

References and tables should be on separate pages.

If you decide to perform structured focused comparisons, you must have a table with at least 5 case rows and 3 variable columns. See below.

Dependent variable
Independent variable of interest

If you decide to perform statistical analysis using excel or STATA, you must have at least 15 cases, and you will have to present a table of regression results with the following format:

Dependent variable: _______________

Independent variable of interest

Number of observations (cases)