Documentary responses/
Question: Give your thoughts, comments, reactions (200 – 350 words around)
You must watch the film then write a reflection, thoughts, and comment.
Here is the movie link:
Here is some my classmate responses:
It does not surprise me that the news we receive is not information but entertainment. I am under the impression, I’m also at fault for this, that many
American’s are too lazy to go dig out any truth and authentic news as to what we see, heard and know. Media has a huge influence as to how we shape our paradigm of the
world we live in. Shadow of Liberty exposes some deep troubling issues that media has never aired or brought to the public audience’s attention because it would
backlash and reveal the dirty secrets of the conglomeration that exists among the few huge big corporation that runs everything. It makes me afraid of what information
are being shared and brought into the light. Often times than not, the government and these huge corporations have their own agenda as to what Americans ought to
believe. This raises questions about the role and social responsibility media has. To see how powerful these huge corporations and governments are silencing these
journalists from obtain and delivering the truth. This is startling because how much secrets do we not know. Many of the news are basically the same thing but
nevertheless just with different opinions and views. I do think it is great to put certain limits on what opinions are being broadcasted and voiced, but it makes me
wonder who makes these calls in terms of censorship. As the documentary mentions, the more knowledge we know the more we start to think and question. If people obtain
knowledge, then we see a lot of backlashes on certain ideologies we once hold are false or not honest and just.
I realized the name of the documentary is sensible when I first noticed “Shadows Of Liberty”, and then, I started to guess what the documentary talked about
before watch it. The title of the documentary is depicted in metaphor. “Shadow” means what people cannot perceive. “Liberty” indicates that everyone has sufficient
right and freedom to engage in the social media. After watching the documentary, my guess gets the evidence to prove its correctness.
Shadows of Liberty exposes some unknown truth of the general public behind the social media, like censorship and corporate control. In fact, lots of people who
are working in media field have been distorted to the latent roles, because that is the rule inside of their circle. Is the social media responsible for society? Or do
they stand at a neutral position? There is no doubt that the answer is no, because most of the media companies regard earning money as their main duties. To get more
money and benefits, more shadows are appearing. From my very personal opinion, the social media is a public platform where citizens can post and gain news or other
information, so the groups’ benefits should be considered first rather than individuals. The government and corporations should make new and equal role to regulate the
social media field. Meanwhile, everyone has responsibility to supervise the public platform.