FAS 301 –Fall A 2014
Writing Assignment # 1
Read these instructions carefully. This is worth a possible 25pts. Points will be deducted for failing to follow these instructions. Proofread your assignment before you submit it.
• 500-900 words (total, not including citations or reference), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, font size 12
• Name your document as follows: FAS301last name1 and save it as a .doc, .docx or .rtf file (e.g., FAS301Smith1.doc or FAS301Jones1.docx)
• Put your first and last name at the top of page 1.
• Number your answers to correspond with the questions, but do not include the assignment questions.
• Make sure to write in complete and clear sentences.
• Writing quality, punctuation, and spelling will be evaluated as well as the content of your response.
• When you incorporate information from the textbook or other sources, use APA citation and reference format. See http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/ for more assistance.
O Be careful to submit the correct version and double check that your file submitted correctly.
O Check to make sure you see an exclamation mark ! listed in My Grades until it is graded.
O Take a screenshot of your submission (see syllabus for more information).
O Email attachments will not be accepted.
O Do not type your assignment directly into the comments section or submit a link to your Google docs.
O No late Writing Assignments will be accepted. You will not be able to resubmit after the deadline.
• If you have trouble submitting your assignment, call the Help Desk and email me right away.
Writing Assignment 1 Instructions
To successfully complete this assignment, you need to have read Chapters 1 and 3 and listened to the Parenting Styles lecture. Take some time to examine your own beliefs and experiences about parenting and answer all of the following questions.
1. Do you want to become a parent? If so, why do you want to be a parent (or why did you become a parent if you already are a parent)? If you do not want to become a parent, what are your reasons? Give at least two specific reasons for why you do or do not want to be a parent.
2. What do you believe your most important job is or would be as a parent? Give at least two specific jobs and explain why they are important.
3. What are values that you would like to pass on or instill in your child(ren)? Briefly explain why these are important to you.
4. How did your parents (or whoever raised you) parent you? Categorize them using the four parenting styles you learned about (see Brooks Ch. 3 pp. 101-102 and Parenting Styles lecture) and make sure to briefly explain the parenting style and cite appropriately using APA in-text citations—e.g., if paraphrasing- (Brooks, 2013). or if using a direct quote- (Brooks, 2013, p. 101). Don’t forget to include a full reference in APA format for our Brooks textbook at the end of the paper.
Then give a specific and clear example of behaviors that your parents exhibited that led you to categorize them into the parenting style(s) that you did (if you cite more than one style, give one specific example for each).
5. a) Do you plan to use (or do you currently use) the same parenting style to raise your own (real)
children as your parents used with you? Why or why not?
b) Do you plan to use the same parenting style to raise your Virtual Child as your parents used with
you? Why or why not?
Writing Assignment #1
Grading Criteria
25 points possible
1. -Answers the question “Do you want to become a parent?” = 1pt
-Gives 2 specific and relevant reasons why or why not 1pt X 2 = 2pts
2. -Gives 2 specific jobs they believe are important for parents to do 1pt X 2 = 2pts
-Explains why each of the 2 jobs are important 2pts X 2 = 4pts
3. -What are values that you would like to pass on or instill in your child(ren)? = 2pts
-Briefly explain why these are important to you. = 2pts
4. -Categorizes parent(s) according to a style(s) discussed in readings = 2pts
-Briefly explains/defines parenting style = 2pts
-Cites source using APA formatted in-text citation & APA formatted reference = 2pts
-Give an accurate and specific example of their parents’ use of the style(s) = 2pts
5. a. Answers the question “Do you plan to use (or do you currently use) the
same parenting style to raise your own (real) children as your parents used?”
Explains “Why or why not?” = 1pt
= 1pt
b. Answers the question “Do you plan to use the same parenting style to
raise your VC as your parents used?” And explains “Why or why not?”
*In order to be eligible to earn the 2 points associated with question 5b., the student must have a Virtual Child who has been “born” and is registered with our Class Id. = 1pt
= 1pt
Deduct points for:
Spelling, Capitalization, Grammar, in-complete or run-on sentences (up to 5pts)
Lack of clarity in writing; unintelligible, difficult to comprehend (up to 5pts)
Word counts significantly over or under the 500-900 range
*By significantly, we mean 100 or more words.
One point will be deducted for every 100 words over or under
the required word count (e.g., 1 pt. deducted for 100 words, 2 pts.
deducted for 200 words….). (up to 5pts)