Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys?

Social networking and online courses
September 13, 2020
Software Piracy Amongst College Students
September 13, 2020

Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys?

Write an eight to ten page paper that addresses the following questions. Support your opinions with scholarly research.

Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys? Why or why not? What should or could Mattel have done differently, if anything? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.Who or what do you believe was responsible for the fact that children were exposed to potentially dangerous toys? Why do you think so? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.What is the best way to ensure the safety of children”s toys? In responding, please consider how the following groups would answer this question: government regulators (in the U.S. and China); consumer advocates, the toy industry, children”s product retailers; and standard-setting organizations. What might explain the differences in their point of view? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.What do you think is the best way for society to protect children from harmful toys? Specifically, what are the appropriate roles for various stakeholders in this process? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.
Writing the Final Case Analysis Paper 
The Final Case Analysis Paper:Must be eight double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title page, reference page, exhibits, etc.) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page:Title of paperStudent”s nameCourse name and numberDate submittedMust include an introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis or topic.Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. That is, what is your response to the content, either positive or negative, and then defend your position. If multiple options/alternatives/positions are present and are being rejected you must also defend the reasons for rejecting an option.Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis or topic and a closing paragraph that summarizes the main point or points of your paper.Must use APA style as outlined in your approved APA style guide to document all sources.Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved APA style guide.