Do we need the electoral college

discussion/Nurse’s Role in EBP
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020

Do we need the electoral college

Order Description

1. 1 inch margins all around
2. 12 pitch
3. Times New Roman Font
4. Double Spaced
5. 2 spaces after the period between sentences
6. Footnotes (no endnotes) Footnotes do not count towards the 15 to 20-page requirement. A sheet will be handed out laying out the exact form for footnoting.
7. Quotes longer than 50 words are to be block quotes, indented, and single-spaced (not too many quotes of this or any length should be used, this is your paper not a collection of quotes from others).
8. Page numbers on the lower right of each page
9. Title page must have the following in the order given:
a. Your Name
b. Political Science 200-2 (25427) – Research Methods in Political Science
c. Professor Bonomo
d. Fall Term 2016
e. Tuesday 6:30 – 9:20
10. Every page must have in a header the following:
a. Your Name
b. Political Science 200-2 (25427)
c. Fall 2016