Divorce and Military Deployment

Initiating Change in the Manufacturing and Distribution Division of PolyProd
March 11, 2020
Marriage and Love
March 11, 2020

Divorce and Military Deployment

Paper instructions:
Read the attached documents for each topic and follow the instructions. Write an essay on each topic described bellow.  Each topic should be 1.5 – 2 pages long.  Label/Title each subject but combine into one paper. For example, “Essay # 1 “Divorce and Military Deployment”, etc.  The 4th essay will be any social issue of your choosing.

1. Read “Divorce and Military Deployment”. Then discuss the issues raised at the end of the article under “Let’s Discuss.”  If able write this from the perspective of someone in the military who has experienced deployments.

2 Read “Environmentalism” Then discuss the issues raised at the end of the article under “Take the Issue with You.” Also as you write on this issue, you should comment on how often you and your friends discuss or even think about the environment.

3. Read “Seeking Shelter Worldwide”.  You should then research on the number of homeless in the United States and then, using your sociological imagination, ask yourself why the richest country in the world has so many homeless people. Furthermore, you should discuss the reasons why there has been a dramatic increase in entire families being homeless with many of them living in their cars. Keep in mind that most of these homeless families have parents who are working full time and their children attend school on a regular basis.
Here is a link to an article on how Americans treat the homeless.


I want you to read the above article as you prepare to answer the question on homelessness in American society.

4. I want you to write on a social issue of your choosing and to put your “sociological imagination” to good use.

H :pI Il 3.‘. l”‘.‘t). in a dramatic immitestalion ofgrowing grass-
noot» tontern over preservation of the environment, an esti-
tll.llt‘tl .”» million people turned out to observe the nation’s first
t*.nth ll.t_’. ‘l’wo thousaml communities held planned celebra-
tions. and more than ,3.t)t)t) colleges and lt),()t)() schools hosted
en‘lrottInental teach ins. In many parts of the United States,
citizens marched on behalf of specific environmental causes.
l‘h.tt same year. the activism of these early environmentalists
Ult’lItt‘t‘tl tiongress to establish the linvironmental Protection
z‘gency. ‘l‘he tflean Air. tllean Water, and Endangered Species
acts soon followed (lirulle and Jenkins 2008).

Looking at the lSSl.lC

Sociologist Manual (Iastells (2t)lt)a:72) has declared environ-
mentalism “the most comprehensive, influential movement of
our time.“ Several social trends helped to mobilize the environ-
mental movement. liirst, the activist subculture of the 19605
and early 197os encouraged people, especially young people,
to engage in direct action regarding social issues. Second, the
disseniination of scientific knowledge about serious environ-
mental problems like oil spills and air pollution alarmed many
Americans. And third, the growing popularity of outdoor rec-
reation increased the number of people who were concerned
about the environment. In this climate of broad-based inter-
est in environmental issues, many organizations that had once
focused narrowly on the conservation of natural resources
evolved into full~iledged environmental groups (Dunlap and

ML’II:f!:u[)/:)»:‘:l;‘l’:[l1 Day has been enshrined on the calendars of
city councils. zoos, and museums worldwide. hiivironnyental
issues have also moveduup the agendaof tnitli1StreaI:]t};(])
parties. Increasingly, eitorts to.pubhcr/.e €l‘l‘/lt‘()nI];](. htemet.
cerns and create support for action haye‘move.d to t e ‘1] wile
A][[H)UgI1 times have changed. two behets continue to ga V