Division Management Academic Essay

August 18, 2020
Week 4 Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

Division Management Academic Essay

1.—– Definitions
It is important to inform your reader about the meaning of jargon, special words, and acronyms appearing in the study. Be sure to
define terms that:
? Have a special meaning in your study
? Appear in the conceptual framework
? Denote variables
? Are only known to specialists in your field
? May remain subjective without additional clarification
? May utilize their origin or history as to clarify some aspect of your study
A definition uses simple terms allowing your reader to understand the word. Further, a definition has the following three parts:
? The term you wish to define.
? An association to a concept allowing the term to be generalized.
? At least one attribute allowing the reader to differentiate the word from other words associated with the concept.
For example, let us say you had to define the term coffee:
Coffee. Coffee is a beverage formed by allowing hot water to diffuse through a basket
containing coarsely ground roasted coffee seeds.
Notice that we generalize coffee as a beverage and then make its definition concrete by including an attribute about making
coffee. Tying a term to an attribute via a concept allows you to classify and describe a term such that the reader knows exactly
what you mean!
Define your terms and make sure they are clear, simple, and contain all three parts.
2.—–Introduction and Summary
Chapter 5 in Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches introduced you to the nature of an
introduction. The introduction should hook the reader and prepare them to engage the dissertation. Ideally, an introduction
follows Creswell’s deficiency model of an introduction.
The summary of the chapter should briefly summarize the chapter and signpost the reader regarding future chapters. Here is a
template you may use and revise as you see fit.
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions