Discussion Topic Academic Essay

pedigree chart and essay Academic Essay
August 17, 2020
Human service Academic Essay
August 17, 2020

Discussion Topic Academic Essay

Module 1 Objective:
Discuss how the Institute of Medicine and the concept of Evidence Base Practice intersect into professional nursing practice.
*Differentiate the influence of industry, regulatory and accrediting requirements on administrative and clinical outcomes, to include outcomes that are culturally sensitive, for performance/process measurement in various health care settings;
*Identify a process for selecting effective outcomes, to include outcomes that are culturally sensitive, for performance/process measurement in various healthcare settings;
* Interact with peers and healthcare professionals to utilize the process of evidence-based practice to achieve desired outcomes.

Reading Assignment:
Block, D. J. (2006). Healthcare outcomes management, Strategies for planning and evaluation. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers READ chapter 1 and 3

Malloch, K and Porter-O’Grady, T. (2010). Introduction to evidence-based practice in nursing and health care 2nd edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers READ chapters 1,2 and 3

1. Primary Post: Discuss how the Institute of Medicine has had a impact of health care delivery and the effect of evidence based practice.(see uploaded discussion Rubric for grading criteria)

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Posted on May 11, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions