Discussion Questions/Case Analysis/Reflective Academic Essay

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August 16, 2020

Discussion Questions/Case Analysis/Reflective Academic Essay

Hi I will upload pitchers of the required reading in order to writer the paper.

FIRST Part: Discussion Question. This critical thinking question
must be answered directly and within ONE page, respectively (doubt-spaced, approximately 300 words and 23 lines, using one-inch margin, and Time New Roman 12-point font). To address the questions, you need to understand the the explanation that’s under each question. DONT start with an interdiction just start answering the questions.

SECOND Part: Case Analysis. The case must be analyzed within TWO pages (doubt-spaced, approximately 600 words, one-inch margin, and Time New Roman 12-point font). To analyze the case, First of all you are required to highlight the case within 200 words (around 15 lines), and then directly and concisely address the case’s discussion questions. The case has 4 quotations.

THIRD Part. Reflective. In this part please write TWO pages (doubt-spaced, approximately 600 words, one-inch margin, and Time New Roman 12-point font). you are required to discuss both general and specific international business/management issues and problems. Most importantly, you should focus on a couple of important concepts, models, matrixes, or theories and carefully examine why and how they are useful or relevant to deal with the nature of international business and how they impact strategic decision on a global dimension. In this part, you should also specify how and to what extent those principles or concepts help your critical thinking and/or help solve real problems that you may meet in the actual business world or in your personal life or career.

Therefor, it needs to be 5 pages in total, the first page for the discussion question, the second two pages for the case analysis and the last two pages for the reflective on the international business.

The name of the book in case you need it:

International Business Author: Hill Edition: 10th ISBN: 9780078112775

Discussion Question: Question #4 Page 470

The case name: Coca-Coca’s Strategy Pages: 486-487

Thank you very much.

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions