The Element of Alternative Liability
May 14, 2020
The Danger of a single story
May 14, 2020

discussion questions

discussion questions

Paper instructions:
Each answer should be 150 words each with references:

1. The front office is the hub of communication for the hotel. The guests drive the communication as their actions trigger most communication. Describe how and for what purposes the front office and other areas in the Rooms Division communicate.

2. Choose a hotel company and use the Internet to investigate that company’s history and structure. Include a listing of the references you use and respond to the following questions:

€¢What are the relevant facts and figures about this company? For example, where is its headquarters? How many hotels/rooms are owned or identified with that company?
.€¢What are the types of properties and ownership based upon your readings?
.€¢What is unique about this hotel company?