Discussion Penny for Your Thoughts

Interpersonal Communication
May 26, 2020
The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious. Critically discuss Freud’s statement with detailed reference to at l
May 26, 2020

Discussion Penny for Your Thoughts

Discussion €“ Penny for Your Thoughts
Share the best advice you have ever been given using details, examples, and reasons. Include information on the circumstances surrounding the situation:
€¢ Who gave you the advice?
€¢ Were they looking out for your best interest or their own interests at that time?
€¢ Did you want the advice at the time? Were you to hearing that advice?
€¢ How did you react to the advice?
€¢ What was the outcome of the situation?
€¢ Did you take their advice or ignore it?
Now that time has passed, when you look back on the situation, what are your thoughts? Answer as many of the questions as needed to fully illustrate the advice that was given and how you handled that advice.