Discussion Topic
August 25, 2020
Discussion Board #5 (SOCU 450)
August 25, 2020

Discussion #5 (CJ)

Topic: Discussion #5 (CJ)

Paper details:

Studies indicate that between 10% and 20% of all law enforcement contacts involve a person with mental illness; however, law enforcement officers are often unprepared, through lack of training and lack of confidence, to interact effectively with them. This week you read several articles and saw two videos about communicating with persons with mental illness. What challenges are there to communicating effectively with someone with mental illness and what strategies might you use? Do you think the skills discussed in chapters Chapter 7: “State My Path” Chapter 8: “Explore Others’ Paths” of Crucial Conversations would be effective when communicating with someone with mental illness? Explain some ways that law enforcement can improve its response to persons with mental illness.

Minimum references: Crucial Conversations, Chapter 7: “State My Path and Chapter 8: “Explore Others’ Paths.”