Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses.

should foundational studies courses be eliminated or reduced
March 24, 2020
Government Controls Society
March 24, 2020

Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses.

Discuss your personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to the academic skills covered in this and other modules.

The essay is to be approximately 2000 words (with a 10% leeway).

The essay should contain evidence that you understand the importance of academic skills, and that you are actively monitoring your own progress. Your subjective discussions should be backed up with objective evidence. In other words, you may talk about your experiences in general, but illustrate your points by referring to specific things. For example:
?    Specific entries in your Learning Contracts or other tasks within this module.
?    Specific issues raised with the Personal Tutors or in their workshops.
?    Feedback from assignments in this or other modules.
?    Academic literature on the subject, for example, sources found in the Suggested Reading section of the Module Handbook.

We expect professional presentation, with no avoidable typos (use the Spell Checker and Grammar Checker in Word to avoid losing marks). The format for this essay is flexible, although we expect an introduction, clear themes for discussion and a conclusion. The essay must be formatted with a 12 pt Arial font, 1.5 line spacing and submitted as a Word document. Where external sources of information are used (books, journal articles, appropriate web sites, etc.), they must be cited correctly using Harvard referencing. The submission must include the cover sheet attached to the end of this document.