Discuss the three basic types of educational programs preparing individuals for registered nurse licensure.

Middle Class in the Arab Region
March 13, 2020
Personality Analysis using Psychological Personality Theory
March 13, 2020

Discuss the three basic types of educational programs preparing individuals for registered nurse licensure.

Nursing Education Paper/Presentation

Nursing Education Paper/Presentation

Paper details

Please view attached file will all requirements
Write a paper following the guidelines and then create a powerpoint presentations using the information from the paper.

Student Objectives

  • Compare the various types of educational preparation for nursing.
  • Describe the educational preparation for a graduate degree.

45% Discuss the three basic types of educational programs preparing individuals for registered nurse licensure.

45% Discuss the advantages of obtaining a degree from a nursing program that is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) or the American Association of College of Nursing Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

10% Find websites that review the educational preparation of nurses across the nation at http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/healthworkforce/rnsurvey/