Discuss the role suppliers, customers (be sure to provide a detailed customer profile for at least one product), distributers, and employees play in t

the colonial code of relations
March 17, 2020
Business Letter Assignment
March 18, 2020

Discuss the role suppliers, customers (be sure to provide a detailed customer profile for at least one product), distributers, and employees play in t

Purpose: This assessment is designed to encourage the critical analysis of the marketing environment, and the development of rational, creative, and impactful objectives based upon the analysis.


What is required: You ate to select a large, multinational brand that markets a product or service in at least two countries. Provide the blowing information in your paper:

I. Company history, mission, and branding: in this section you are to dearly identify the firm you have chosen, and the industry(ies) they operate in. What is their firm’s mission, and how is this firm positioned and differentiated, relative to competitors?

II. Environmental Analysis: You are to provide a detailed environmental analysis of both the macro and micro environmental factors. For the micro-enticement, it is essential to provide, at a minimum, a PESTLE analysis, and a discussion of Porter’s 5 forces. Please note that these environmental factors may differ from each other in different regions of the globe (e.g. political and legal for example). For the macro-environment. discuss the role suppliers, customers (be sure to provide a detailed customer profile for at least one product), distributers, and employees play in the marketing of the product. In addition, provide a detailed competitive analysis of their closest competitors (most notably their relative strengths and weaknesses, and the sources of these).

Ill. SWOT Analysis: Provide a detailed SWOT analysis for the firm based upon the remits of your environmental analysis.

IV. SMART objectives: Now provide detail into at least 3 SMART objectives you have developed based won the SWOT analysis above. It is critical that each one of these objectives be:

• Specific

• Measureable

• Action-oriented

• Realistic

• Time based

These objectives must also be original, and not merely descriptive of the company’s current strategy. Your purpose is to act as a marketing consultant and develop objectives that are distinct from current operations. Each objective must be clearly justified and inked to the preceding analysis.

V. References: You are expected to provide both peer-reviewed and credible non-academic sources. Only provide references for works utilized and cited in the main text.