Discuss the role of conversations and mundane talk in facilitating a climate for the social construction of change and involvement.

Petrie’s Electronics
May 17, 2020
May 18, 2020

Discuss the role of conversations and mundane talk in facilitating a climate for the social construction of change and involvement.

A senior management consultant once said:Conv ersation is an important so cial bedrock. It isthe most common human activity upon which
change takes place in organisational settings.Discuss the role of conversations and mundane talk in facilitating a climate for the social
construction of change and involv ement.

In composing your essay, note that your analysis will need to be backed up with concepts from both

gourtextbook and the assigned (articles). You will be marked according to the following criteria:

oundness- your involved reflections

and the soundness of your composition in terms of being able to convince the reader ofthe force and validity of the points of views you are
putting forward (comprises 40% of your mark);

Brejadth €“ how widelythe arguments range across unit concepts (comprises 20% of your mark);


Appropriateness- how appropriately you employ various unit concepts and examplesto anchor your presentation (comprises 40% of your