Discuss the reforms of Mahamud II (1807-39) Why did he initiate his reforms and what was the significance of his reign in breaking ground for the subs

Play Therapy
April 1, 2020
The roots of mental Illness
April 1, 2020

Discuss the reforms of Mahamud II (1807-39) Why did he initiate his reforms and what was the significance of his reign in breaking ground for the subs

1- discuss some of the achievements and some of the deficiencies of the reign of sultan Abdul Hamid II.
2- discuss the reforms of Mahamud II (1807-39) Why did he initiate his reforms and what was the significance of his reign in breaking ground for the subsequent reforms of the Tanzimat period .
3- of the following names identify and give the significance and importance 1- Mustafa Reshit Pasha 2-Selim III 3- Midhat Pasha 4- Murat IV 5- Treaty of Karlowitz 6- Namik Kemal 7- Celali revolts