Discuss the physiological effects of Transcutaneous Electro-nerve Stimulation (TENS) on PainOrder DescriptionASSIGNMENT TITLEDiscuss the physiological effects of Transcutaneous Electro-nerve Stimulation (TENS) on PainWORD COUNT LIMIT 1,500REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES See Student Handbook
For Harvard referencing, Style and other regulations
ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Date of submission is posted on Blackboard & Notice BoardSubmit one copy via TURNITIN (For guidelines, see Blackboard Academic Programme Information/Exams & Assessment folder)NOTE: University regulations relating to plagiarism in assessed work.
The Study Skills Website has information on Study Skills Provision and is available for students and, for staff to use with students at: www.edu.salford.ac.uk/studyskillsLearning outcomes assessed
6. Identify ,locate and evaluate key resources and use basic search skills to retrieve relevant information
8. Discuss physiotherapy practice in relation to current research findings.
9. Recognise how to avoid plagiarism through correct referencing.Assignment GuidelinesIntroduction:The assignment must include an introduction of approximately 300 words which should set the scene by including:
? Definition of key terms.
? Provision of an outline of what you will be discussing in the main body of the assignment.
? Clear aims of the assignment
(N.B. due to the word count, you need to be clear in the focus of your assignment and ensure this addresses the marking criteria and the guidelines below).You should also include within the introduction brief details and rationale of your literature search. i.e. databases and key words used in the search, dates searched and any limits.Main Body The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate your ability to link knowledge of the underpinning theory of TENS with its physiological effects on pain
You can choose to include pain presentations at any level of chronicity (ie acute, sub-acute, chronic). You should mention all three and discuss one at least, in more depth
You should include a brief overview of pain processing related to the above
You must include discussion of pain modulation, using TENS, with relation to the sensory fibres involved
Cite suitable research evidence to justify the use of TENS in the management of pain (minimum of 3 studies). Critiquing of evidence is not required at level 4 and is not reflected in the marking scheme.Conclusion
The conclusion (approximately 200 words) should summarise the key points made in the main body of the assignment.Appendices
You may include the full detail of your search strategy including full search terms, with all databases and how terms were combined with Boolean Operators to limit results. This will not contribute to your overall mark but will help with formative feedback to assist in future searches.Links to the Marking GridAll sections on the marking grid are equally weighted
KnowledgeWhen marking this section consideration will be given to your ability to:
Identify key themes
? Demonstrate knowledge of pain physiology
? Demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the physiological effects of TENSCognitive ProcessesWhen marking this section consideration will be given to your ability to:? Demonstrate the link between the underpinning physiological effects of TENS on pain management
? Support the rationale for the use of TENS for pain with current evidenceReferencing and using evidenceWhen marking this section consideration will be given to your ability to:? Demonstrate an ability to select appropriate evidence to support your discussion (Minimum of 15 references required).
? Use references consistently to support your work
? Accurately reference within the text (British Harvard Style)
? Accurately produce a reference list (British Harvard Style)PresentationWhen marking this section consideration will be given to your ability to:? Structure your work appropriately i.e. inclusion of introductory section, development of themes section, conclusion and appendix
? Link themes together in a logical sequence with clarity of expression
? Produce work which conforms to guidelines and has correct spelling and grammar.
? Use appropriate language and an academic writing style.