Order DescriptionMain topic is Leadership, Religion, and TheologyI would like the topic to be about Hispanic male pastor in the Midwest in the Church of God (Anderson, IN). Most of the literature review should be from 2011 to 2016 that is a requirement. I am aware that the leadership theories explored will not necessarily be within the above mentioned date range, but the support of the theories must be between 2011- 2016 for the literature review and the rest of the dissertation. I would like only 7 participants in the study and everything completed within 160 pages. APA 6th edition double spaced with 100 or more citations. Also, the writing should be in 3rd person (no I, me, my, mine, etc.). Please stay away from personal opinions(my advisor is extremely picky regarding this area). I will upload an example dissertation that I would like to mirror if possible. There may be sections that can be eliminated if the dissertation will flow without those sections.The title of the dissertation can be changed to fit the subject matter more appropriately and not be a direct copy of the other dissertation title.THE LIVED EXPERIENCE OF LEADERSHIPFOR HISPANIC MALE PASTORS IN RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONSExample dissertation will be uploaded for further reference and direction of the dissertation the dissertation should go in.
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