Discuss the importance of goals in motiv ation and leadership
The essay itself is a major piece of academic written workthat must to be supported by at
least six refereed journal articles. Other
books and sourcesthat enable you to develop and
support your lines of argument in the essay are expected to be used additionally.
Consistent with the learning objectives for this course, students will need to frame their
essaysfrom a multilev el perspective. This
means looking at the topic from the persfiectiv e
of the organisation, the work group andt e individual. The studentwill need to be
careful in
the selection of the literature they use for their essay to ensure they understand the
organisational behaviour issues from
each ofthese three perspectives. The importance of
the multilevel perspectiv e in organisational behaviour will be discussed at several
fiuring the semester as most of the thingsthatWe study in organisational behaviour are best
interpreted from a mixed-lev el
essay topic:
A goal is a regulatory mechanism for monitoring, evaluating and adjusting one’s
attainment also gives people a sense of accomplishment (Latham,
2007, p 267-268) In: Work Motivation History,Theory, Research and
London, Sage Publications.
Discuss the importance of goals in motiv ation and leadership drawing upon relevant
literature to support your position.
Recommended Journals
Apartfrom books, you will find itv aluable to get into the practice of
reading relev ant articles
from journals. You will need to consult some of these for your essay. These journals are
Academy of Management Executive
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrativ e Science
Annual Review of Psychology
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Australian Journal of Management
California Management
Harvard Business Review
Journal oprplied Psychology
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of
Occupational Psychology
Journal of Organisational Behaviour
Journal of Personality & Social Psychology
Management Learning
Organisational Dynamics
Personnel Psychology
The Leadership Quarterly
The Learning Organization