discuss the historical, social and political influences

Assess “the European Dream,” in your assessment explicitly juxtaposing it with “the American Dream.” You may offer your own personal judgment
March 13, 2020
Administrative Process
March 13, 2020

discuss the historical, social and political influences

discuss the historical, social and political influences

Paper instructions:
Write a 1-2 page paper/or prepare a 10-12 slide PowerPoint in which you:
Describe the organization of your choice* for which you will examine the various legal and ethical topics (that are discussed in each of the 5 course modules);
Briefly discuss the historical, social and political influences that could come into play when you examine various law and ethics issues in the organization (that you selected in 1.)
The “organization of your choice” could be a specific elementary school or secondary school. If you are not currently teaching in an elementary or secondary school system, you could select any other organization of your choice (where teaching or training takes place).