Discuss the barriers to advocacy and social justice concerning this issue within the social, environmental, political and economic contexts.

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Discuss the barriers to advocacy and social justice concerning this issue within the social, environmental, political and economic contexts.

Order DescriptionSocial Welfare Interview (EPAS 2.1.5b) Students will demonstrate understanding of barriers to advocacy and advancement within social, environmental, political and economic contexts by conducting an interview with a local social welfare administrator to learn about his/her position on a social welfare issue in the community. Students will write about the history and current state of affairs related to the issue and summarize the interviewees position relative to the contexts described above.
Identify and make contact with a local politician or social welfare administrator in your community. Your task is to interview a politician or administrator and learn her/his position on a social welfare issue/problem of your choice. Write a 3-5 page paper following the guidelines below. Use APA format for running head, title page, subheadings in the paper and references. Be sure to use appropriate academic references. Post to Assignments.1. Summarize the historical perspective of the social welfare problem. Include legislation, policy, programming, funding and the current state of affairs of the problem or issue you have chosen. Be sure to cover all of these areas.
2. Discuss the barriers to advocacy and social justice concerning this issue within the social, environmental, political and economic contexts. For example, what about the social context related to your chosen issue makes advocacy and social justice difficult to achieve? Be sure to answer this question for all of the contexts.
3. Summarize the Social Welfare Administrators position about the issue and these barriers. How does he or she think these barriers can be overcome?
4. Reflect on the experience. Discuss what you learned from your interview, your thoughts and feelings about your interaction with your interviewee, and how your interviewee responded to your position about the issue.
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