Discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, an

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Discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, an

Project description
Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the police, courts, and correctional components must operate within a multicultural society; that includes non-conventional racial and gender roles.Beginning with the material conveyed in the assigned reading and presentation, discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, and correctional) charged with achieving justice. Expand upon the provided material with scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the implementation of criminal justice to principles inside and outside of the organization
Added on 07.07.2016 21:17
need 400 word discussion board post. Please answer the questions provided :
Beginning with the material conveyed in the assigned reading and presentation, discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, and correctional) charged with achieving justice. Expand upon the provided material with scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the implementation of criminal justice to principles inside and outside of the organization