Discuss how can an organization help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with ethical situations?

Explain by consider the competing obligations and responsibilities that these individuals faced and how they determined whether their actions were rig
July 25, 2020
Explain,use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.
July 25, 2020

Discuss how can an organization help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with ethical situations?

Its half-time and the neighbors who regularly get together to watch the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday afternoon begin to make their way to the kitchen to refill their snack plates. While the others are out of the room, Carla lags behind to tell her neighbor, Angela, about Jaden, her nephew, and his recent good fortune. Jaden and his wife are about to put down a deposit on their first house. Jaden works for WellCare USA, a multi-state corporation with a center in Baltimore. Carla describes how thrilled the two of them are about the house, especially its location, as it will mean a much shorter commute time for Jaden. Carla goes on to say how very much Jaden appreciated Angelas help last year in steering him to the open accounting position at WellCare USA. With Jaden just finishing college and the job market the way it was, that accounting position was like a dream come true for him.Angela, who works in the Human Resources Department at WellCare USA, feels a knot in the middle of her stomach at the news. She is aware that a decision has recently been made by the leadership at WellCare USA to transfer the local accounting operation to Chicago, corporate headquarters, a cost-saving move. The decision wont be announced for a few more weeks, but even so, Angela knows that Jaden will most likely not be offered a comparable job at WellCare USA or even be asked to move to Chicago to take one of the few accounting positions that will open up there. He is the newest employee to join the group and seniority is always a major factor in downsizing activities at WellCare USA.1. What is the ethical dilemma Angela is faced with now? What should she do? Explain your answer using the course material to support the reasoning. Make sure to include the page number in the in-text citation.2. What factors generally contribute to employees not operating ethically in business? When faced with an ethical situation, what steps can an employee take to try to make the most appropriate decision? Be sure to support your reasoning by using the course material. Students may also include external sources. Make sure to include the page number in the in-text citation.3. How can an organization help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with ethical situations? What steps can an organization take to try to ensure that all parts of the organization operate ethically? Explain your answer using the course material to support the reasoning. Make sure to include the page number in the in-text citation.