discuss features of rhyme, rhythm, and form
How to go about it:
1. Re-read the text carefully, and make some notes, either on the page, or on a separate piece of paper about what you think the piece is trying to say, and your reactions to it.
2. Create some kind of an outline for your response a spidergram, bullet point, etc. whatever works for you.
3. Write a response to your chosen text. Structure it as follows:
First Paragraph
Summarizes briefly what the text is about (i.e. what is the key event or events?) and from whose point of view it is spoken
Next Paragraphs
Explain the distinctive features of the text. Try to say something about:
• the setting for the story or poem
• the character of the narrator or protagonist what did you feel about him/her?
• features of the language used that stand out to you?
• Note: if your chosen text is a poem, it will be important to discuss features of rhyme, rhythm, and form.
• the mood of the piece what words or phrases generated that mood?
• the underlying theme or main message of the text
• your reaction to, and/or evaluation of the text
As you write, be sure to bring in quotations from the text to support your claims.