Discuss difference in function of the supranuclear eye movement system.

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April 3, 2020
Nuclear Weapons: What’s the Point?
April 4, 2020

Discuss difference in function of the supranuclear eye movement system.

Identify the supra-nuclear control of eye movement.
Discuss difference in function of the supranuclear eye movement system.
Identify and locate the cortical supranuclear pathway
Identify and locate the subcortical supranuclear pathways.
Identify and locate the gaze centers.
Discuss eye movements syndromes that may occurs from the supranuclear pathway disorder.
Identify the cranial nerves by name and roman numeral.
Describe the location of the cranial nerves nucleusthat sub serve the .visual system
Compare the functions of the cranial nerves that sub serve the visual system.
Describe the infra nuclear pathways of the cranial nerves that sub serve the visual system.
Discuss eye movement syndromes that may occur from damage to the nerves, its nucleus, and its vesicles.
Identify the vestibular control mechanisms.
Explain how the vestibular system interconnects with the ocular motor system.