Discuss Deconstructing myths and misconceptions in global media education.

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Discuss Deconstructing myths and misconceptions in global media education.

Order DescriptionDiscussion 1 Week 5
This week, in lieu of Independence day and our week 5 assignment, lets celebrate our profession. Lets dialog around the Myths and Misconceptions in Education.Lets liberate ourselves from textbook format and question the questions.For our week 5 discussion, I want you to write a 250-500 word short essay on your personal truths in Education.What is right? What is truth? Please check out the videos and book I have listed below.Recently, I wrote an article for UNESCO Media Literacy Book. I will be available in a few months.Yildiz, M.N. (2016). Media binds or blinds? Deconstructing myths and misconceptions in global media education. Jagtar Singh (Ed.) & International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media. 2016 Yearbook: Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue. Goteborg: International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media. UNESCO.
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