read all the following pdfs to look for 10 answers
Added on 02.11.2015 11:24
1) What characteristics separate Arthopods from all other invertebrate animals?2) What is the major challenge to arthropods for having an exoskeleton? How are arthropods adapted to overcome this challenge? What is the process called?3) What are the differences between Insects, Myripods, Chelicerates, and Crustaceans?4)To which taxonomic group do horseshoe crabs belong?5) Name the eight major insect orders and give a distinguishing characteristic for each.6) Name the two major Myripods. How are they different?7) In crustaceans, what is a statocyst, how does it work, and what function does it serve?8) Upload scans or photographs of at least three pages from you journal. You may include sketches or photographs.9) What are the male flower parts and what do they produce? What are the female flower parts and how is fertilization accomplished?10) What are copepods? Why are they significant? What Sponge Bob character is a copepod? What other arthropods are represented in Sponge Bob?please answer these following questions with the pdfs that I attached. NO GOOGLING MUST BE FOUND IN THE PDFS.