Discipline is an area of Human Resources

In developing corporate strategy, most experts advise starting with an analysis of (1) organizational resources and
October 5, 2020
October 5, 2020

Discipline is an area of Human Resources

Discipline is an area of Human Resources that can certainly create the potential for legal liability for  employers. What are some good guidelines to follow? What are some pitfalls to avoid?
Class, as human resource leaders, future and present, your mandate is recruit, hire and retain a highly  qualified workforce–a workforce that is not qualified by virtue of training and experience, but rather a  workforce of integrity–honest, drug free, physically and emotionally healthy.

Pre-employment testing, in one form or another, has been a part of American business since the early 1950s.
What kinds of pre-employment testing are valid and contribute to overall company performance? Are there any  forms of testing that either should be barred or are capable of being used inappropriately?