Digital technology has changed the way communication takes place, but not for the better. Argue your position.Your essay must be written in full sentences and logical paragraphs, using formal and academic English and the correct argument essay format as outlined in your study guide.Weighting:
This assignment is worth 15% of the overall course mark.Issues:
In order to write this essay, finding sources and background reading is essential. You must limit yourself to the reading list provided by the library that includes the Library Data Bases of Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre and eLibrary, the Pew Research Center, Issues in Society, volumes 324 and 381 and finally any other resources that are located in the Special Reserve at the Library counter. All these sources are listed on the reading list provided for you.
You will need a minimum of 5 sources in your Reference List that have come from this list.You must have in-text referencing and a Reference list using correct formatting (especially for database resources), which is explained in the Referencing Style Guide.This assignment will be researched in the usual manner using only the required sources. For your own organisation, you should submit to your teacher a copy of your outline during weeks 6,7 or 8 to receive feedback and advice. You can gain some assistance with your drafts by attending tutorials or submitting part drafts to your teacher as well. This can also occur during weeks 7,8 and 9.Note:
This assignment will need to be submitted to the Turnitin website to check for plagiarism. Plagiarism will be severely punished: the penalty is the reduction of marks by a minimum of 50%. Where plagiarism is suspected, sources will need to be produced and you may be required to attend an interview with the Head of Department to explain uncited/unreferenced ideas.Due dates:
Your final paper copy and Turnitin digital copy are due on Monday 30/03/2015 of Week 10 at the beginning of your English class. Your final digital copy should be submitted to Turnitin no later than midnight on Sunday 29/03/15.Word Limit: 1500 words