Question 1
According to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IABUK 2014) online marketing expenditure continues to grow: UK digital advertising expenditure grew by 16.6% to £3.462 billion in H1 2014. According to Carat (2014) the advertising industry as a whole is expected to grow by 7% in 2014
What are the implications for marketing of the growth of digital marketing and media?
What benefits can direct marketing skills bring to the management of digital marketing activity?
What metrics need to be in place to ensure that this increased digital spend is delivering an improved return on marketing investment?
Illustrate your answer with examples.
Question 2
The implementation of Direct and Digital marketing strategies fundamentally changes the way marketing planning is carried out.
Discuss this statement with reference to a planning model with which you are familiar.
Question 3
A client wants to launch a ‘one size fits all’ solar powered mobile phone re-charger. He wants to reach the early adopter market amongst the under-30s.
These are affluent, young, usually male professionals, often employed at a junior management level in the technology, marketing or finance sectors. They are predominantly single, car owning and often rent, rather than own their own home. A high proportion of their disposable income is spent on looking good and keeping up with the latest technology.
The client has already created an engaging website featuring his other inventions, wacky games and inventive facts. He has a budget of £50,000 and wants to use business press and digital media for name gathering, following up with a mailing pack to the warm enquirers. He’s hoping to sell around 5,000 products.
Write one creative brief to launch the re-charger to the early adopter market, which includes:
A digital direct response ad – include any website modifications to optimize click through responses to enquiry or purchase
Direct mail pack
Take into account relevant branding and Integrated Marketing Communications considerations
Question 4
Acquisition of new donors is one of the more difficult challenges in the fundraising sector as it struggles to come to terms with cutbacks in donations. Getting new donors is expensive, as budgets are under pressure and the new generation of donors respond differently to previous generations.
Write a report on how you would incorporate direct and digital marketing to create an effective new donor acquisition campaign?
Your answer can be directed to any charity sector.
Question 5
Pets-are-us .com is developing its database.
Write a report outlining the key considerations and opportunities the company should take into account in developing its database.
Your report should include:
? What data should be captured and where will it come from?
? Data management issues – including quality and enhancement
? How the data will be used in marketing programmes
? Legal issues
Question 6
Write a report discussing the current (and possible future) value of loyalty schemes as a retention tool. Explore the implications of the research findings for a direct and digital marketing retention communication strategy.
Illustrate the key points in your answer with successful and not so successful loyalty scheme examples.
Question 7
Write a brief report explaining your views on using social media in direct and interactive marketing communications planning.
Your report should include social media’s current and future importance and potential in communications planning, its relevance to your and other organisations’ target markets and how you can generate the best results from it as a direct and interactive communication medium.
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Posted on May 6, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions