Differences between Malcolm X and Martin Ruther King

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Differences between Malcolm X and Martin Ruther King

Differences between Malcolm X and Martin Ruther King

Since the era of colonization in the 15th to 19th Century by European countries over the Americans, Asians and Africans, numerous cases of discrimination emerged over those colonized. During the era of modernization, many Africans slaves were transported to different continents in Europe and America to work as peasants, in the industries and farms. Between 17th and 19th century, there was the emergence of numerous revolutions in both Europe and in parts of America, as many of the peasants felt discriminated on many issues such as social, political and economic benefits to the rights of being treated equally by their colonizers. In America for instance, throughout the United States, there were numerous activism activities, especially by the black Americans in the early 19th Century, who felt segregated from getting an equal share politically, socially, and economically in the American soil. In this case, the essay evaluates approaches that were used by activist, Malcolm X and Martin Ruther King in the early 19th Century within the United States.

Features of American culture that was unacceptable among African American

Among the African Americans, there were numerous issues that were viewed as unacceptable to the American culture. This included the acts of discrimination on the basis of color, in the political arena, socially and in equal distribution of wealth among the whites and the black Americans. In other cases, there were accusations against the police using force on the black Americans. Through numerous activists such as Malcolm X, there were efforts to change such situations by advocating for equality through different activist organizations formed by the black Americans. In 1964, there was an achievement by such groups when a law on civil rights was signed by President Lyndon Johnson’s in presence of activist Martin Luther King, Jr. by the passing of the civil rights law, this promoted equality among all the Americans whether black or white.

Distinguishing between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King attitude towards the United States and political traditions

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. were both black American activists born and brought up in the United States in the early in 19th Century. Their contributions toward black America activism were exclusive, and their impacts are felt to date in the American soil. Their activism efforts, though, were different as they both used different approaches towards their activism activities. Malcolm X, for instance, based his activism activities on the Islam teachings, while Martin Luther King, Jr. based his activism activities on Christianity.

Additionally, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for equality among all Americans but, on the other hand, Malcolm X was considered more of a racist as his activism was against the whites Americans. In his arguments, he believed that Africans was the source of human generations and similarly he also addressed the white Americans as “Devils.” Throughout his teachings, Malcolm X advocated for supremacy by the black people over the whites while Martin Luther King, Jr. the Civil rights among both the whites and the black people. Although the two activists used different approaches towards their activism activities, they both had some similarfor the black people freedom in the American soil and their activism was as well based on religion.

Role of the religion in the Civil Rights Movement

In both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. ideologies, Religion played a key role in their activism as religion gave them a foundation for their stand on the key issues affecting the black people. In this case, for instance, Malcolm X activism became vigorous when he joined Nation of Islam while Martin Luther King Jr. relied on Christianity to push for equality, democracy, and non-violent demonstration to pass their message. The religion played a significant role in activism, Malcolm X, believed that Islam could be the solution towards uniting all the African Americans in the fight against the whites and for their freedom. Similarly, Martin Luther King Jr. had also a strong faith in Christianity he believed the solution could be reached upon without the use of violent but by showing love for one another. Through their era of activism, they both used their religion to reach many black American and in coordinating demonstrations such as the 1963 march on Washington. This was achieved through the organizations joined by the two via its members such as Nation of Islam and groups such as Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Significance of education on civil rights movement

Many of the Africa American activists such as Martin Luther King, Jr. fought for the rights and equality of the black people in all areas such education. In many cases, African American was denied accessibility towards some education facilities. This was unacceptable among the black Americans, as many of the activists believed education was the basis for accessing political power and in performing basic public responsibilities. Martin Luther King, Jr., in this case, became successful in his activism, as he was an educated person and his efforts were respected by the government of the day in the United States.

Attitudes among African American towards use of violence

by Christian organizations seemed to work for the African Americans as through demonstration they were able to address their concerns to the government of the day peacefully. The advantage of this was that through advocacy for nonviolent demonstrations, this attracted huge African American demonstrators to participate in the demonstration. This also attracted the attention by the media and the leaders in government. The use of non-violence demonstrations had its disadvantages as the government was slow in implementing the African American demands.


Throughout the United States, the fight for democracy by the African American gave insights to the rest of the world on the reason to why the human need to treat each other with equality. Through the efforts of both Malcolm X and Martin Ruther King, Jr., Many activists globally have continued to appreciate their efforts towards the fight for democracy. At the same time, at least many activists have continued with the same spirit, fighting for human right and equality in regardless of race or gender.


Jo Ann G.R. (1987) The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the women who started it: the Memoir of Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, ed. David J. Ganow. University of Tennessee Press, 43-45.