1. Two students are doing a poster on the Amazon Water Lily (Nymphaea amazonum) for a class project and have compiled research to determine if it is in actuality a land plant or an algae. The amazon lily only grows and reproduces in the summertime through a symbiotic relationship between themselves and beetles which pollinate it. Other adaptations include large leaf size for sunlight absorption, stoma on the top side of plant, and the growth of thorns on leaves for protection. Is the Amazon water lily a land plant or an algae and how would you know? (What does it mean to be a land plant / algae?)
2. You are a Crime Scene Investigator. Your team is investigating a murdered male in a house with a portion of a plant stuck to his pants. This plant is a rare plant, you believe to be an embryophyte. You know this plant only occurs in a certain part of town. To prove that you are correct to your team, you must back your thought process with five of its characteristics. How do these characteristics differ from other plants?
3. What exactly is the alternation of generations?
4. What is an embryophyte? What are the 5 characteristics?
5. What is the difference between monoecy and dioecy?
6. A botanist on her morning walk around a pond notices moss growing on the bank of the pond. After passing the pond she notices a fern growing near the bottom of a tree. What are the differences in these plants, name these main differences in these two plants.
7. This theoretical plant has leaves with clear cells in them, a thick cuticle, and sunken stomata. It also has succulent stems and some if its leaves have been reduced to spines. Given this information, what type of environment would this plant most likely live in and explain your answer.