Did 9/11 fundamentally change the nature of international security or was a new variation on a familiar theme?

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Did 9/11 fundamentally change the nature of international security or was a new variation on a familiar theme?

Essay Question:
Did 9/11 fundamentally change the nature of international security or was a new variation on a familiar theme?

Assessment Criteria
: very important

The essay will be graded holistically by the extent to which it meets the following criteria:

1. It provides a logically-structured and well-written argument that addresses the chosen topic clearly, concisely, and effectively.

2. It demonstrates a critical grasp of the main arguments contained in the relevant literature.

3. It supports its claims with good quality evidence and critical reasoning (such as the use of scholarly sources rather than poor-quality, non-peer-reviewed sources).

4. It presents a clear and original analysis that uses existing literature to support points and arguments, rather than a patchwork of other authors’ claims, views or conclusions.

5. It makes adequate and consistent use of scholarly apparatus (such as notes, references, citations, bibliography).

6. It adheres to the formatting and structural requirements for submission (listed below).

Formatting instructions

The essay must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced with a break between paragraphs and margins of one inch (2.5cm) on all sides.

The essay must be fully and accurately referenced in either the Oxford (footnote) or Harvard (in-text) citation systems. While footnotes are preferred, either style is acceptable.

The bibliography must contain every source that was cited in the text and no sources that were not cited. The bibliography must be formatted according to the same style used in the body of the essay. Sources should be listed in alphabetical order with no bullet points or numbering.

Essay structural requirements

Introduction (one paragraph)

The introduction needs to do thing things:

1. The first sentence should clearly state your answer to the question

2. The main body of the paragraph should signpost (i.e. outline the structure of) your overall argument

3. The final 1-2 sentences should briefly explain how your argument answers the question

ï‚· The introduction should not offer background information or definitions of concepts

ï‚· Don’t signpost the general process with generic terms (e.g. this essay will analyse X and then discuss Y), be as explanative as possible


Analytical framework
(one paragraph

ï‚· Establishes the criteria by which you will make your judgment about the question (i.e. a standard or measure which allows you to make a determination about the question)

ï‚· Explains the logic that links each point together and links the argument to the answer to the question

ï‚· Analysis (remainder of body)

ï‚· Provides the argument and evidence to support your case

Conclusion (one paragraph)

The conclusion needs to do three things:

1. Bring together the key ideas of your argument and link them to the answer

2. Use the criteria established in the analytical framework to justify the conclusion of your argument (in greater detail than the introduction)

3. Clearly explain how your argument answers the set question

ï‚· Don’t summarise or describe the structure of the essay (e.g. “this essay analysed…”)

The use of headings to separate these sections is acceptable.


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