Document production: Documentation should be produced using MS Word 95 or higher. This will ensure portability of files and consistency of operation. Documents should be based on the Organization’s templates based on MS Word, which incorporate the organization’s logos.
Dates: following style will be followed: date month year, for example, 22 October 2013.
Gender: Use gender-neutral language, for example, chair rather than chairman, sales representative rather than salesman. (See also Inclusive language.) It is acceptable touse they, them or their as singular pronouns if necessary.
Capitalisation: Capitalise position titles, for example, General Manager, Administrative Officer etc.
Chairperson: Use the gender-neutral terms chair or chairperson, rather than the gender-specific term chairman.
Writing style: Use a friendly, clear style. Use language that is unambiguous, inclusive and non-discriminatory.
Document production: Documentation should be produced using MS Word 95 or higher. This will ensureportability of files and consistency of operation. Documents should be based on the Organization’s templates based on MS Word, which incorporate the organization’s logos.
Dates: following style will be followed: date month year, for example, 22 October 2013.
Gender: Use gender-neutral language, for example, chair rather than chairman, sales representative rather than salesman. (See also Inclusive language.) It is acceptable touse they, them or their as singular pronouns if necessary.
Capitalisation: Capitalise position titles, for example, General Manager, Administrative Officer etc.
Chairperson: Use the gender-neutral terms chair or chairperson, rather than the gender-specific termchairman.
Writing style: Use a friendly, clear style. Use language that is unambiguous, inclusive and non-discriminatory.