Devise data/information collected through marketing research process for analysis.

Describe the preferred timing and objectives for your business plan.
August 6, 2020
Organizational, Interpersonal, and Group Communication
August 6, 2020

Devise data/information collected through marketing research process for analysis.

Business leaders rely on the work of marketing researchers to make decisions that will impact revenue generation and the profitability of the company. The data analysis and interpretation phase of a marketing research project is a critical process that is highly scrutinized for accuracy and validity. Marketing researchers must take great care in analyzing data that will be interpreted and turned into information for the purpose of solving the research problem, or capitalizing on an opportunity that was under study. Acting as a marketing research professional in this Assignment, you will develop the following competencies in relation to the tasks you are required to execute:Obtain and process informationAnalyze qualitative data in decision makingDeveloping an ability to obtain and process information in order to analyze qualitative data for decision making as a marketing researcher will be a valuable addition to your business toolbelt.Directions for completing this AssignmentIn this Assignment, you will analyze the Fancher Golf Center case study. Your goal is to recommend business solutions based upon data analysis and interpretation. Write a 2-3 page critical essay by covering the following topics:Devise data/information collected through marketing research process for analysis.Discuss how to analyze, edit, and code data.Discover the degree of association between variables.To help inform your essay, include information that answers the following questions:For each team, identify all of the types of error that were likely introduced by the data collection process. Discuss why you believe particular procedures produced each type of error you identify.
What could have been done to prevent/minimize each type of error by conducting the study differently?
What might be done to deal with each type of error now that it has occurred?