You have been hired by a new firm seling electronic dog feeders. Your client has asked you to gather some data on the supply and demand for the feeder
September 13, 2020
How did behaviorism become such a dominant theoretical basis for education and training in the United States?
September 13, 2020

Developing Relationships

Developing Relationships

Can you please assist me with the following:
1. Describe the kind of innovative engagement you would pursue with different groups in the community.
2. While you are not making a formal plan at this stage, what are some of the most effective strategies to get parents and the community to participate?
3. Indicate why cultural competency is such a big issue; making explicit connections to the required readings and from your own personal authentic experience.
4. What personal, technological and leadership skills would you use to reach out to those parents whose students are the most in need?

1. In addition to this resource: Hjalmarson, F. (2011). Differentiated parent support: Engaging parents in unique ways to increase their involvement in School. San Diego, CA: TurnAround Schools Publishing;
Include to 2 additional resources to assist with your answer.