Your manager has come to you with the idea that she would like to organise a full day of guest speakers to talk about innovative practice in information.
You have been given the following information:
• Budget of $7k (Aus) for the day to cover guest speaker travel and possible speaker payments
• Catering approximately $1000
• Deadline is 10 February 2014
• You must invite people from your relevant professional association but they must pay to attend and you are responsible for setting the fee and generating at least $2k in income from the event
• Note: you are not required to make any profit on this project; $2000 is income and not profit
Note that:
• Your office has a staff member who is responsible for marketing
• Project management work for IT work is not a new concept in your workplace, but project managing non IT projects is still a little foreign for many non IT staff
• Your manager has said it is up to you to decide if you want to build a project team to tackle this task.
Your task is to develop this idea into a formal project specification for your manager’s approval
• Make any assumptions you like but list these at the end of the document, please be sure to make these as realistic as possible (for example risk management).
• The type of office can be a library (Academic etc.).
• The prescribed textbook (Allan 2004) has a tremendous amount of information that can guide you in putting together this assignment.
• Please use headings to break up the text. Think of the language you will be using, the tone, the audience for the project specification (your manager).
• Develop your project specification by giving it a proper structure (i.e., include table of contents, introduction, body, findings and recommendations, conclusions, appendices (if any), and references).
This assessment item addresses all five of the learning objectives. This assignment looks at developing a project specification document. Areas within a project specification have been covered throughout the entire semester.
Marking criteria
Assessment of this assignment will be based on:
• quality of project specification;
• evidence of creative thinking of the issues to be faced;
• provision of definitions and explanations of assumptions and major terms;
• use of a wide range of the literature to support discussion within the written work;
• demonstrated ability to meet the requirements for the presentation of assignments (listed earlier in this Subject Outline);
• written expression, grammar, and appropriate structure; and
• consistent and appropriate referencing.
A guide to the allocation of marks for this assignment follows:
Criteria marks
Quality of project specification 15
Evidence of creative thinking of the issues to be faced 10
Provision of definitions and explanations of assumptions and major terms 10
Elements of a project specification 5
Use of a wide range of the literature to support discussion within the written work 5
General quality of argument, use of references, use of examples, presentation 5
Total possible marks 50
Allan, B. (2004). Project management: Tools and techniques for today’s ILS professional. London, Great Britain: Facet Publishing.
Lock, D. (2007). Project management (9th ed.). Aldershot: Gower.
Carpenter, J. (2011). Project management in libraries, archives and museums: Working with government and other external partners. Oxford, UK: Chandos Publishing.
PMdocs. Retrieved from
Project Management Institute. (2008). A guide to the project management body of knowledge. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institute, Inc