Determining the chance of chromosomal abnormalities

S03 human growth and development i
April 12, 2020
Solution-Microbiology and industry in petroleum fuels
April 12, 2020

Determining the chance of chromosomal abnormalities

Q1. The chances of having a child with a chromosomal abnormality increases as a woman’s age increases over 40 years old. Later than reading the section on cogenesis, why do you think this is the case? Read the part on spermatogenesis. Do you really think the age of the man is main in determining the chance of chromosomal abnormalities? Why or why not with appropriate reasons?

Q2. Describe a single meiosis event. The probability that the gamete (in this case of a female human) containing the abnormally high chromosome number will be the one egg that takes part in a fertilization event by a sperm cell is 25 percent (1/4).