Determine the total number of possible genotype combinations

Find the independent variable of the experiment
April 23, 2020
An accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
April 24, 2020

Determine the total number of possible genotype combinations

The law of independent assortment allows for genetic recombination. The following equation can be used to determine the total number of possible genotype combinations for any particular number of genes:

2g = Number of possible genotype combinations (where g is the number of genes)

1 gene: 21 = 2 genotypes

2 genes: 22 = 4 genotypes

3 genes: 23 = 8 genotypes

a) Consider the following genotype: YySsTt. How many different gamete combinations can be produced?

b) Many traits (phenotypes), like eye color, are controlled by multiple genes. If eye color were controlled by the number of genes indicated below, how many possible genotype combinations would there be:

5 Genes:

10 Genes:

20 Genes: