Determine the percentage of individuals in this population

Solution-Write an article for perspectives section in
April 9, 2020
What is the fate of the solid and fluid components
April 9, 2020

Determine the percentage of individuals in this population

Q1. Presume that a father and mother are both heterozygous for the allele for sickle cell anemia (Ss). The following Punnett square shows the inheritance of the sickle cell and SRY genes, with X representing the X chromosome with no SRY gene and Y representative the Y chromosome which does have an SRY gene. Complete the Punnett square.

Q2. The presence of freckles is due to a dominant allele. Four percent of the individuals in a particular population lack freckles. Utilize the Hardy-Weinberg formula to determine the percentage of individuals in this population who are homozygous dominant for freckles.