1. How do the semicircular canals determine the direction of acceleration of the head?
a. The otoliths deflect hair cell cilia preferentially in one direction
b. The ampullae deflect hair cell cilia preferentially in one direction c.
c. The input from the three semicircular canals, each oriented in a different plane, are compared d.
d.The input from the outer and the inner ampullar hair cells are compared
2. Why is the eardrum larger in area than the oval window? (One answer only)
a. It allows for sound localization (determining where a sound is coming from) due to the difference in vibration amplitude between the two membranes
b.The eardrum responds better to lower frequencies, while the oval window responds better to higher frequencies c.
c.The eardrum responds better to higher frequencies, while the oval window responds better to lower frequencies d.
d.It allows for amplification of vibrations between the eardrum and the fluid of the inner ear
3. Choose all answers that apply: What are the cues that the auditory system uses to determine the location of a sound source?
a.Distortion of sound due to the shape of the pinna
b.Direction of K+ current in hair cells c.
c.Location of maximal vibration of the cochlear basilar membrane d.
d.Intensity differences in sound between each ear e.
e.Time differences between sound waves reaching one ear vs. the other
4. Why is there efferent innervation from the central nervous system the outer hair cells? (One answer only)
a.This allows outer hair cells to send signals directly to the inner hair cells
b. This allows for amplification of cochlear membrane vibrations, modulated by feedback from the central nervous system c
c. This allows for sound localization (determining which direction a sound is coming from) by inter-aural time difference d.
d.This allows for sound localization (determining which direction a sound is coming from) by inter-aural intensity difference